Form1 .AVI in Window Demo Form1 Command5 Sound Command4 Command3 Command2 Pause Command1 File1 *.avi Drive1 Picture1 Label1 Label10 about About... about1 About .AVI File Viewer Demo Dir1_Change! Form1 ListIndex3 File1 PathQ Drive1_Change Drive1 File1_Click TheFile EnabledN Form_Load MMControl1_Done@ NotifyCode MMControl1 Notify Shareable DeviceType% Form_UnloadQ Cancelh Action mciExecute MMControl1_PlayClick MMControl1_PauseClick1 MMControl1_StopClick6 Command Picture1_Click Picture1_GotFocus HwndFrame GetFocus WaitForEventsToFinish Picture1[ hWndDisplay MMControl1_PlayGotFocus PlayClick Form_KeyPress KeyAscii] Form_MouseMove Button Shift Picture icons| arrow1 arrows arw02dn none_ClickV Dir1_GotFocus Picture2` File1_GotFocus File1_MouseUp File1_LostFocus UsesWindows palse< FileName; Form_GotFocus DisplayType MMCControl1 MMControl1_PlayCompleted* ErrorCode MMControl1_StopGotFocus Drive1_GotFocusq Picture2_ClickH Picture2_GotFocus0 HwndFrameMMControl1m Begin AVIFile WaitForEventw MMControl1_NextClick Panel3D1_DragDrop SourceN Control Frame3D1_DragDrop about_Click about1_Click CRLF) about2_Clickw generalg procedure displaying/ videos window PlayEnableD PlayEnabled PauseEnable StopEnabled PauseEnabled Picture1_KeyPress AVIFilename InstHScroll1_Change mciCommand( Command1_Click Label3 CaptionY Label5 mciReturn~ mciReturnLength mciErrString mciErrLengthq Text2 Device Text1} mcihWnd mciError mciSendString Success mciGetErrorString] List1 Combo1 Combo1_Change Label8I Command2_Click List1_Clicke Combo1_Click AVIVideo Command3_Click mciFile mciDevice File1_DblClick Command4_Click Sound Command5_Click} Command6_Click Text3 AliasName handle DisplayFrame/ GroupPush3D1_Click ValueE GroupPush3D2_Click[ GroupPush3D5_Click GroupPush3D3_Click falseEnd GroupPush3d3 GroupPush3D1 GroupPush3D4_Click Label10 mciFileName GroupPush3d5 Audio SndFlag Label1_Click Label2_Click- Label3_Click= Label6_ClickM Label7_Click Label5_Clickm Text1_Change Text3_Change Command7_Click video Label10_Click Enable Paused falseElse SoundStatus Label1 Command1 Command2 BackColor FrameHwnd HwndFr about1_Click Written by Rolf Mathison Compuserve 76376,3224 This program demonstrates How to play .AVI files in a window (Print out the form text & code for details) Command1_Click Close any open MCI devices Close all Open the file with an alias (VID) open alias Set the Focus to window where you want the video to play. Picture1 GotFocus will return window "handle #" (hWnd) as HwndFrame We have to put a delay here to allow for timing, or we may get the wrong hWnd #a Convert to string and set the window to use window handle Show the filename and mode then play the videon Playing... Play VID Command2_Click If we're not already paused, use the "Pause" commandw Pause Paused... If we're paused use the "Play" command to resumem Play Playing... toggle the status of the "Paused" flag Command3_Click Single step video forward by "1" framen step by 1 Change the mode label, SetFocus back to "Pause" Single Step... Command4_Click Stop the video, close the MCI device Close all Clear Filename, show mode Done... SetFocus to Picture1 and blank out the videos SetFocus back for the next file Command5_Click Toggle the sound on and off setaudio Sound Off... setaudio Sound On... toggle the status of the "SoundStatus" flag Dir1_Change Get the Directory Drive1_Change Get the disk drive File1_Click Get the MCI filename SetFocus to "Play"" File1_DblClick This just is a shortcut, it will start playing the videog without pressing the "Play" key Close any open MCI devices Close all Open up the file, using an alias (VID)l open alias Set focus to window where video is to play We have to put a delay here to allow for timing, or we may get the wrong hWnd #a Picture1 GotFocus returns window "handle#" as HwndFrame Convert it to a string and set the window to use window handle Label the filename and mode Playing... Play the videon play File1_GotFocus Form_Unload Close all files on exit Close all Picture1_GotFocus Get the hWnd "handle number" for the Picture1 windoww HwndFrame & GetFocus() are defined in Global.basn